.... so here I am back with my second post for the National blog Posting Month http://nablopomo.ning.com/. I got really lucky today. Doesnt happen too often I chance upon a bit of lady luck. I should say thank you Lord a lot more than I do:
Then why do I not do it today ?
Starting from whats on my mind right now ...
-thank you Lord for the wonderful view of the sea and the boats that I can see sitting in a temporary cabin from one of my office. It made my day and I feel cheerful and really excited to work. ( that is a rarity these days)
- thank you Lord for the parents i had without whom I do not think I would have been even 10% of what I am today. Always indebted and always will be. Bless me with the same Ma and Baba in my next birth too.
-thank you Lord for giving me a set of brothers who are protective enough to look after my well being but callous enough to let me do my own thing .. I wouldnt have grown otherwise.. I want them as my champions in my next life ...
- thank you Lord for making me a woman.... Despite being the so called weaker sex among the two I am much stronger emotionally than the male species and i feel its only because I am genetically built for the same. I can feel more, hurt more but i can love more , understand and empathise more ... equally balanced out... make me a woman in every birth..
- thank you for giving me the strength to walk away when its time... I will never learn otherwise..
-thank you for giving me the courage to start something new despite keeping alive my fears of my past mistakes .. I will never evolve otherwise..
- thank you Lord for giving me such wonderful friends who stand by me when I am down and out and protect me from the rest of the world and who leave the path for me when I want to be alone... bless them all everyday ..
- thank you Lord for giving me the rigth opportunities at the right time ( I thought a little late at times) so that I do not get too busy balancing too many things at the same time and end up frustrated ... I wouldnt have been able to explore my strength,weaknesses and skills to the best of my abilities.
- thank you Lord for keeping me sane during difficult times ... for I wouldnt have been able to provide support to those I love and those who need it the most at their most difficult times.
-thank you Lord for making me spontaneous .... I wouldnt know my possibilities are innumerable and endless if it aint for that ..
- thank you Lord for teaching me life's lessons one at a time so that I do not get bogged down with too many worries...
- thank you Lord for giving me my sense of humour and smile ... i know I can brighten up a gloomy face with it anyday ...
- thank you Lord for providing me enough health triggers to remind me to take care of myself first .. yet to get there fully but am working on it ..
-thank you Lord for the dream i get every night of the person I love ....it reminds me not to look back at the past anymore...
- thank you Lord for the tears I shed for they clear my eyes and my soul and help me heal...
-thank you Lord for being there and guiding me in every decision I make for it helps me improvise on past mistakes and helps attain perfection at times !
-Lastly but not the least for sure.... thank you Lord for not making me a quitter...ever !
सावधान! आपके डेटा पर प्रशिक्षित हो रहे हैं AI मॉडल
5 months ago
Wow, i am sure you would get rest of the message :-)
nice topic for a post. although all of them i can relate to, 4th from the bottom is true for me too! every-single-night.
hugs girl.. :)
We're better off now ...
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